

1.《lighthouse 》patrick Watson 歌词


3.Westlife的《Lighthouse》 歌词

4.HTC Vive的Lighthouse追踪系统到底是怎样工作


6.Anthem Lights的《Lighthouse》 歌词


《lighthouse 》patrick Watson 歌词

       This kind of love


       Is more than a lifeline


       For a man as weak as me


       Who has no


       self believe


       This kind of love


       Is more than amazing


       For a man who


       lost his way


       Who thought it was too late


       How did the sea


       How did the sea


       How did the sea


       get so rough


       I would've drowned


       I would've




       If you hadn't given me your love


       You're the light in the dark


       You're the seat in the park


       You're the lighthouse


       You're the lighthouse


       That I need


       You're the key to the door


       You're the Port in the Storm


       And I need to find a shore


       When I can't swim anymore


       You always guide me back to solid ground


       You're my lighthouse


       This kind of love


       Is more than a feeling


       For a man who rarely tried


       I get all choked up each time


       You say you love me


       You could've walked away


       Could've give my problems back


       Could've left


       You took the chance


       How did the waves


       How did the waves


       How did the waves


       get so high


       I would've died


       I would've died


       If you hadn't loved me just in time


       You're the light in the dark


       You're the seat in the park


       You're the lighthouse


       You're the lighthouse


       That I need


       You're the key to the door


       You're the Port in the Storm


       When I need to find a shore


       Cos I can't swim anymore


       You always guide me back to solid ground


       You're my lighthouse


       Yeah, I owe it all to you everything


       I have right now


       I owe it all to you everything


       I didn't have you found


       Everytime take me back to you


       You're the light in the dark


       You're the seat in the park


       You're the lighthouse


       You're the lighthouse


       I need


       You're the key to the door


       You're the Port in the Storm


       And I need to find the shore


       Cos I can't swim anymore


       You always guide me back to solid ground


       You're my lighthouse






       [地名] 灯塔(英语); [**]海上监狱;





       Guides are local people, among them former lighthouse keepers.


Westlife的《Lighthouse》 歌词






       1、选择采样点位:依次点击“设置”—“地点”,再选中某一采样点“Location x”,被蓝色填充的位点表示已选中。(注:及时用记录本记录采样地点和采样标号x,勿对采样点命名,否则影响数据传输。)


HTC Vive的Lighthouse追踪系统到底是怎样工作



       专辑:Now That's What I Call Music! 80

       Westlife - Lighthouse


       This kind of love

       Is more than a lifeline

       For a man who's weak as me

       Who has no self-bellieve

       This kind of love

       Is more than amazing

       For a man who had lost his way

       Who called it was too late

       How did the sea how didi the sea

       How did the sea get so low

       I would drown I would drown

       If you hadn't given me your love

       You're the light in the dark

       You're the seed in the park

       You're the lighthouse

       You're the lighthouse that I need

       You're the key to the door

       You're the port to the storm

       And I need to find the shore

       And I can't swim anymore

       You always guide me back to solid ground

       You're my lighthouse

       This kind of love

       Is more than a feeling

       For a man who really cry

       I get all choked up each time

       You say you love me

       You couldn't walk away

       And it give my problems back

       Couldn't let you took the chance

       How did the waves how did the waves

       How did the waves get so high

       I would die I would die

       If you hadn't loved me just in time

       You're the light in the dark

       You're the seed in the park

       You're the lighthouse

       You're the lighthouse that I need

       You're the key to the door

       You're the port to the storm

       And I need to find the shore

       And I can't swim anymore

       You always guide me back to solid ground

       You're my lighthouse

       Yeah I'll owe to you

       Everything I have right now

       I'll owe to you

       Everything I didin't have you found

       Everytime give it back to you

       You're the light in the dark

       You're the seed in the park

       You're the lighthouse

       You're the lighthouse that I need

       You're the key to the door

       You're the port to the storm

       And I need to find the shore

       Cuz I can't swim anymore

       You always guide me back to solid ground

       You're my lighthouse



       VIVE 的lighthouse工作原理是利用激光定位!两个基站内部均有红外LED发射源,单个发射源的发射平率为10MS。双基站发射面呈垂直方向。当基站1发射激光,基站2不发射。反之,基站2发射时,基站1不发射!所以10MS+10MS=20MS做到了只有20延迟的定位系统。基站最后把信息传给笔记本CPU处理!从而实现精准定位!

Anthem Lights的《Lighthouse》 歌词

       2019电音歌曲排行榜前十名:《Faded》、《Somebody》、《Counting Stars》、《Colors》、《Red Lights》、《Beautiful Now》、《Ten Feet Tall》、《Lighthouse》、《Heroes》、《Lionhearted》。


       艾伦·沃克表示,《Faded》是一首在其2014年长达一小时的伴奏作品《Fade》的基础上加上艾斯琳·索尔海姆的声音的歌曲,而在创作前他并未有在这首伴奏上添加人声的想法。他认为这个伴奏能够浓缩为一首三分半钟的流行乐,也有在伴奏上添加歌词的想法,因而创作了这首歌曲 。


       《Somebody》是由美国电音组合The Chainsmokers(烟鬼兄弟)制作、由烟鬼成员Andrew Taggart与美国说唱歌手Drew Love演唱的一首歌曲,于2018年4月20日随专辑《Sick Boy》发布。

       3、《Counting Stars》

       《Counting Stars》中文名称《数星星》是美国流行摇滚乐队“共和时代”演唱的一首歌曲,词曲由瑞恩·泰德个人谱写。



       歌手:Anthem Lights

       专辑:Anthem Lights



       I'm trying to navigate my way

       I lay by my back but winds have changed

       Stop for a while in the place

       It hasn't been started

       Facing the storm in every side

       Afraid to go far when left alright

       Tossing and turning with the time

       In every direction

       Every shadow has a doubt

       But there's a light they can't put out

       And it's shining through the clouds

       It's calling to me

       It's calling to me

       Yes I can see it!

       It must have but make it

       It's the light across the ocean

       It must be a lighthouse

       Calling my ship on

       Is it there to show me where I'm going?

       Take me to home

       Take me to home again

       Take me to home

       If I could get there, I would stay

       The way it'd go crushin' on me

       But I'll be safe

       Shouting my life out through the hays

       So you could see me


       I'm trying to navigate my way

       I lay by my back but winds have changed

       Stop for a while in the place

       It hasn't been started...

